From: Stalkern 2 Reply-To: stalkern2 at To: lablgtk at Subject: Re: animation: pixmap transparency? Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 09:26:20 +0200 References: <200307021756.22997.stalkern2 at> <200307071941.13532.stalkern2 at> <20030708093841E.garrigue at> In-Reply-To: <20030708093841E.garrigue at> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Content-Disposition: inline Message-Id: <200307080926.20760.stalkern2 at> Il Tuesday 08 July 2003 02:38, Jacques Garrigue ha scritto: [...] > Did you set a mask on your pixmap? > Transparency is controlled by the mask. If there is no mask, there is > no transparency. By the way, alpha-blending at the X11 level is not > supported. OK, I've been merging this by a previous code sample from Claude Marché and now I get transparency: but it seems that setting the clip mask fools the callback that restores the background. So, before having transparency I had a background that could recover from exposure, now it can not. Another buggy feature is that I have to hide the footprints of the moving pixmap by hand. To test this code, one can download the images bkg.xpm and fly.xpm from Any commentary, suggestion, hint is welcome. Thank you Ernesto ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ let (theRefBkgPixmap:(GDraw.pixmap option ref) ) = ref None;; let (theRefMovingPixmap:(GDraw.pixmap option ref) ) = ref None;; let (windowWidth,windowHeight) = (300,300);; let (movingImgWidth,movingImgHeight) = (22,21);; let refCounter = ref 0;; let (baseX,baseY) = (10,100);; let aXUnit = 10;; let m_pi = acos (-1.);; (*from J.Garrigues'*) let c = ref 0.;; (*from J.Garrigues'*) (**) open GMain;; let window = GWindow.window ~width:windowWidth ~height:windowHeight ();; let area = GMisc.drawing_area ~packing:window#add ();; let (w:Gdk.window) = (area#misc#realize (); area#misc#window);; let (theDrawing:[ `window] GDraw.drawable) = new GDraw.drawable w;; theRefBkgPixmap := Some (GDraw.pixmap_from_xpm "bkg.xpm" ());; theRefMovingPixmap := Some (GDraw.pixmap_from_xpm "fly.xpm" ());; let redraw_on_exposure (aDrawing:[ `window] GDraw.drawable) aConnectEventArea = match !theRefBkgPixmap with | None -> false | Some bkgpxm -> ( let exposedAreaX = (Gdk.Rectangle.x aConnectEventArea) in let exposedAreaY = (Gdk.Rectangle.y aConnectEventArea) in let exposedAreaWidth = (Gdk.Rectangle.width aConnectEventArea) in let exposedAreaHeight = (Gdk.Rectangle.height aConnectEventArea) in (*use ~xsrc:0 ~ysrc:0 for checking the behaviour*) let () = aDrawing#put_pixmap ~x:exposedAreaX ~y:exposedAreaY ~xsrc:exposedAreaX ~ysrc:exposedAreaY ~width:exposedAreaWidth ~height:exposedAreaHeight bkgpxm#pixmap in false );; let move_on_expose (aDrawing:[ `window] GDraw.drawable) aRefCounter _ = match (!theRefBkgPixmap,!theRefMovingPixmap) with | (Some bkgpxm, Some movpxm) -> ( (*hiding the footprints... let's restore the background after passage*) let pastX = (windowWidth - ((baseX + ((!aRefCounter - 1) * aXUnit)) mod (windowWidth + movingImgWidth))) in let pastY = baseY in let () = aDrawing#put_pixmap ~x:pastX ~y:pastY ~xsrc:pastX ~ysrc:baseY ~width:movingImgWidth ~height:movingImgHeight bkgpxm#pixmap in let newX = (windowWidth - ((baseX + (!aRefCounter * aXUnit)) mod (windowWidth + movingImgWidth))) in let newY = baseY in let () = match movpxm#mask with (*mask is for transparency; thanks also to Claude Marché*) | None -> () | Some m -> (aDrawing#set_clip_origin ~x:newX ~y:newY; aDrawing#set_clip_mask m) in let () = aDrawing#put_pixmap ~x:newX ~y:newY ~xsrc:0 ~ysrc:0 ~width:movingImgWidth ~height:movingImgHeight movpxm#pixmap in let () = incr aRefCounter in false ) | _ -> false ;; let init_gui () = let () = ignore (window#connect#destroy ~callback:Main.quit) in let () = ignore (area#event#connect#expose ~callback: (fun event -> redraw_on_exposure theDrawing (GdkEvent.Expose.area event))) in let () = ignore (area#event#connect#expose ~callback: (fun event -> move_on_expose theDrawing refCounter () ) ) in let timeout _ = (c := !c +. 0.01 *. m_pi; (*J.Garrigues'*) move_on_expose theDrawing refCounter () ; true) in let () = ignore (Timeout.add ~ms:500 ~callback:timeout) in let () = window#show () in Main.main ();; let _ = init_gui ();; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------