Message-ID: <44A29EEF.2040406 at> Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 09:23:27 -0600 From: Matt Gushee MIME-Version: 1.0 To: lablgtk at Subject: App maxes out CPU Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Length: 2687 Hello all, I have a program that I am developing in LablGTK, which has a 'daemon mode' such that the app runs in the background without displaying the GUI until the user 'starts' it--which in practice means waking it up; then when the user 'quits', it really means just hiding the GUI and waiting for the next invocation. Commands are passed to the daemon by means of a named pipe, and GMain.Io.add_watch is used to cause the daemon to read the pipe (code below). Now, I thought this would prevent the app from monopolizing the CPU, but apparently it does not. When the app is started but before the GUI is displayed for the first time, CPU usage is negligible, but as soon as the GUI is displayed, the app starts using all available CPU time, and it continues to do so as long as it runs, whether the GUI is displayed or not. So I wonder if there's something more I need to do to keep the app well-behaved (BTW, it should never require much CPU time. It's a lightweight file manager, and is graphical only in the sense that it is a GUI app--it uses no icons or other images). Here's the relevant code: method daemon_setup () = self#int_add_panel ~go:true (); is_daemon <- true; msg_pipe <- Filename.concat Util.temp_user_dir "message.pipe"; if not (Sys.file_exists Util.temp_user_dir) then Unix.mkdir Util.temp_user_dir 0o755 else if Sys.file_exists msg_pipe then Unix.unlink msg_pipe; Unix.mkfifo msg_pipe 0o600; msg_fd <- (* Unix.openfile msg_pipe [Unix.O_RDONLY; Unix.O_NONBLOCK] 0o600; *) Unix.openfile msg_pipe [Unix.O_RDONLY] 0o600; let chan = GMain.Io.channel_of_descr msg_fd in let watcher _ = let cmdbuf = Buffer.create 4 and temp = " " in let rec read_input ready = let nchars = chan ~buf:temp ~pos:0 ~len:1 in if nchars = 0 then () else match temp with | "%" -> read_input true | "\n" -> read_input false | s when ready -> (Buffer.add_string cmdbuf s; read_input true) | _ -> read_input false and do_command cmdstring = match cmdstring with | "show" -> self#show () | "hide" -> self#hide () | "quit" -> self#really_quit () | "hup" -> self#hup () | cs -> self#warn ("Unknown command: " ^ cs) in read_input false; do_command (Buffer.contents cmdbuf); true in ignore (GMain.Io.add_watch ~cond:[`IN] ~callback:watcher chan) Any suggestions? -- Matt Gushee The Reluctant Geek: