Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2006 08:49:32 -0300 From: j.romildo at To: lablgtk at, caml-list at Cc: Jacques Garrigue Subject: GtkHRuler and GtkVRuler properties on new widgets Message-ID: <20061006114932.GA22803 at malaquias.gwiceb1> Mail-Followup-To: lablgtk at, caml-list at, Jacques Garrigue MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Disposition: inline Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Length: 6571 Hi. I am still working on the port of GtkDatabox to lablgtk. This time I am having difficults with two properties of the GtkDatabox widget: "hruler" and "vruler". Probably the difficults come from the fact that lablgtk does not have one class for each of GtkRuler, GtkHRuler and GtkVRuler, but only a single class: GRange.ruler. So far I have the following definitions. Please, look where I have annoted with the comment (* is this correct? *), and see if I am doing it right. (* gtkDatabox.props *) prefix "Gtk" header { type databox_t = [Gtk.drawing_area|`databox] } classes { GtkAdjustment "Gtk.adjustment obj" GtkHRuler "Gtk.ruler Gtk.obj" (* is this correct? *) GtkVRuler "Gtk.ruler Gtk.obj" (* is this correct? *) } class Databox type "databox_t Gtk.obj" set wrap wrapsig : DrawingArea { "enable-selection" gboolean : Read / Write "enable-zoom" gboolean : Read / Write "hadjustment" GtkAdjustment : Read / Write "vadjustment" GtkAdjustment : Read / Write "hruler" GtkHRuler : Read / Write (* is this correct? *) "vruler" GtkVRuler : Read / Write (* is this correct? *) signal selection_changed } (* gDatabox.mli *) class databox_signals : 'a Gtk.obj -> object inherit GObj.widget_signals constraint 'a = [> GtkDatabox.databox] val obj : 'a Gtk.obj method selection_changed : callback:(unit -> unit) -> end class databox : 'a Gtk.obj -> object inherit GObj.widget constraint 'a = [> GtkDatabox.databox] val obj : 'a Gtk.obj method as_databox : GtkDatabox.databox Gtk.obj method enable_selection : bool method set_enable_selection : bool -> unit method enable_zoom : bool method set_enable_zoom : bool -> unit method hadjustment : GData.adjustment method set_hadjustment : GData.adjustment -> unit method vadjustment : GData.adjustment method set_vadjustment : GData.adjustment -> unit method hruler : GRange.ruler (* is this correct? *) method set_hruler : GRange.ruler -> unit (* is this correct? *) method vruler : GRange.ruler (* is this correct? *) method set_vruler : GRange.ruler -> unit (* is this correct? *) method event : GObj.event_ops method connect : databox_signals end val databox : ?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> databox (* *) open GObj open GtkDatabox open OgtkDataboxProps class databox_signals (obj : [> GtkDatabox.databox] Gtk.obj) = object inherit GObj.widget_signals_impl obj inherit databox_sigs end class databox (obj : [> GtkDatabox.databox] Gtk.obj) = object inherit [_] GObj.widget_impl obj method as_databox : GtkDatabox.databox Gtk.obj = (obj :> GtkDatabox.databox Gobject.obj) inherit databox_props method event = new GObj.event_ops obj method connect = new databox_signals obj end let databox ?packing ?show () = let w = Databox.create [] in pack_return (new databox w) ~packing ~show Compilation fails with the message: $ make opt [...] ocamlc.opt -I +lablGL -w s -c The implementation does not match the interface gDatabox.cmi: Class declarations do not match: class databox : ([> GtkDataboxProps.databox_t ] as 'a) Gtk.obj -> object val obj : 'a Gtk.obj method add : graph -> bool method as_databox : GtkDatabox.databox Gtk.obj method as_widget : Gtk.widget Gtk.obj method coerce : GObj.widget method connect : databox_signals method destroy : unit -> unit method drag : GObj.drag_ops method enable_selection : bool method enable_zoom : bool method event : GObj.event_ops method get_oid : int method hadjustment : GData.adjustment method hruler : Gtk.ruler Gtk.obj method misc : GObj.misc_ops method private obj : 'a Gtk.obj method set_enable_selection : bool -> unit method set_enable_zoom : bool -> unit method set_hadjustment : GData.adjustment -> unit method set_hruler : Gtk.ruler Gtk.obj -> unit method set_vadjustment : GData.adjustment -> unit method set_vruler : Gtk.ruler Gtk.obj -> unit method vadjustment : GData.adjustment method vruler : Gtk.ruler Gtk.obj end does not match class databox : ([> GtkDatabox.databox ] as 'a) Gtk.obj -> object val obj : 'a Gtk.obj method add : graph -> bool method as_databox : GtkDatabox.databox Gtk.obj method as_widget : Gtk.widget Gtk.obj method coerce : GObj.widget method connect : databox_signals method destroy : unit -> unit method drag : GObj.drag_ops method enable_selection : bool method enable_zoom : bool method event : GObj.event_ops method get_oid : int method hadjustment : GData.adjustment method hruler : GRange.ruler method misc : GObj.misc_ops method set_enable_selection : bool -> unit method set_enable_zoom : bool -> unit method set_hadjustment : GData.adjustment -> unit method set_hruler : GRange.ruler -> unit method set_vadjustment : GData.adjustment -> unit method set_vruler : GRange.ruler -> unit method vadjustment : GData.adjustment method vruler : GRange.ruler end The method hruler has type Gtk.ruler Gtk.obj but is expected to have type GRange.ruler Type Gtk.ruler Gtk.obj = Gtk.ruler Gobject.obj is not compatible with type GRange.ruler = < as_widget : Gtk.widget Gtk.obj; coerce : GObj.widget; connect : GObj.widget_signals; destroy : unit -> unit; drag : GObj.drag_ops; event : GObj.event_ops; get_oid : int; lower : float; max_size : float; misc : GObj.misc_ops; position : float; set_lower : float -> unit; set_max_size : float -> unit; set_metric : Gtk.Tags.metric_type -> unit; set_position : float -> unit; set_upper : float -> unit; upper : float > make: *** [gDatabox.cmo] Error 2 I will be grateful for any help on this problem. Regards, Romildo