Date: Thu Nov 10 08:26:10 GMT 2011
From: Satoshi Kondo
Subject: Seminar at IPMU on 11/14, 11/15 Smirnov

下記の要領で F.スミルノフ教授(パリ第六大学)による特別セミナーを
開催します。 ふるってご参加下さい。


講師: Fedor Smirnov 教授 (パリ第六大学)
日時: 第一部 11月14日(月)13:30-15:00
          第二部 11月15日(火)13:30-15:00
場所: 数物連携宇宙研究機構(柏キャンパス)
      セミナー室 A
世話人: アレクセイ.ボンダル、斎藤恭司

Title and Abstracts:

I suppose that the first talk should be more elementary than the second.
So, the first one will contain mostly the formulation of the problem
and the results, and the second one some technical details of our

1. Fermionic structure in lattice, conformal and massive integrable
field theory.

Abstract. In this talk I shall explain the main problems occurring in the
computation of the correlation functions for the integrable quantum
field theory. For describing their short distance behaviour the main
object which is to be computed is the one-point functions. I shall present
the results of such computation performed recently in collaboration
with M. Jimbo and T. Miwa.

2. Hidden fermionic structure of the XXZ model.

In this talk I shall explain construction of the fermionic operators acting
on the quasi-local operators for XXZ spin chain. This construction provides the
foundation for computing the one-point functions for the sine-Gordon
model discussed in my first talk.

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